Month: June 2016

President Blair approaches!

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In roughly 24 hours, President Blair will fly into the mission where he will be the new president of the mission. Now that’s a scary thought. Now onto the events of the week.

On Monday, we had our last PDay with Elder Dortch who is going zone leader 2 in Saco, Maine.

Tuesday, I got my new companion, Elder Butler and we had plenty of fun doing missionary work. We saw Utah plates on a car today. It was a nice throwback to home.

On Wednesday, Elder butler taught his first district meeting; he did very well. The zone leaders were there and they had high praise for him.

On Thursday, we were feeling under the weather so we didn’t do to much.

Friday, we did weekly planning, service cleaning the church with a member, and lunch afterwards at Pizza Hut. So much pizza…

Saturday, we did a power day. So tracting, street contacting, the whole finding thing. We found a former and a solid potential to teach so we are excited for this week. We also went to a member’s medical graduation party and got to know a lot of members.

Sunday, under the weather again, but managed to be at church all day. When we got home, we both crashed on our beds for the rest of the night, barely managed call-ins, we were so tired.
Fun week, pictures! Elder Butler and I on a bridge.

He also got a “hump year” package, he will be out a year this Friday!

Elder R Seely
Sent from my Mission-Issued iPad

New transfer!

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Before I forget, the mission office will be closed and the mailing address will no longer be used. The new mailing address is

Elder R Seely

105 Windsong Avenue

Manchester, New Hampshire 03104

This is going to be the new mission office address for the rest of my mission.

Anyway, I have not been transferred, so I’m staying in Waterville for another 6 weeks. My companion is elder Butler whom I will be training to be a district leader. Elder Butler is also my mission brother, and I’m older than him by 12 weeks in the mission. He was serving in Farmington which is the other ward in our district so he doesn’t have a long way to go to get here and I’m super excited to work with him!
Father’s Day was yesterday, and we had some fathers day activities (wish I got some pictures) but one picture I do have it the present:

I thought that was pretty darn cute, I added the name tag, but it looks cool.
Other than that, not much else has happened. Transfers, new mission office, Father’s Day, I think that is it.

Elder R Seely
Sent from my Mission-Issued iPad

The end is nigh at hand

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What a week! It was nice to talk and receive training from you, even if it is the last time. The anticipation of having a new Mission President is reaching its boil over point; it’s very exciting. I hope that the transition will be smooth, but if it’s like anything else in the church, it will a perfect switchover.

Recently we went on exchange with the Farmington elders. I went with Elder Butler and Elder Dortch went with Elder Hall. We had plenty of fun and got plenty of work accomplished. We are going on exchange with our Zone Leaders later today.

This last week we had our last zone conference with President Stoker. We have all been edified in many ways. We also had some fun and got to take pictures with the Stokers.
I don’t have my glasses and forgot to button my suit, but that’s ok. It was nice to have a final moment with them. Afterwards, all the Elders got together and took pictures.

It quickly turned into…

President Stoker sitting amongst a bunch of elders! We love the Stokers and all that they do.

We recently did some more service for one the recent converts in the Ward, and we found a peculiar set of tree limbs…

That turned into having the service “sponsored by the number 17” (name that show!)
But it’s the end of the eventful transfer, odds are that this next set of calls, I will be staying, but I have been wrong before. So we will see where I end up next time. Until then, have a wonderful week!

Elder R Seely
Sent from my Mission-Issued iPad

Wait, what week is it again?

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Well, it’s official. I have lost track of the weeks and all of the events thereof. All I know is that zone conference is soon, we get a new mission president later, and I’m still a missionary. And that all I really need to know. Well,
MLT was last Tuesday. It was so much fun. We received instruction from president stoker, decided what course to take following the mission presidency changeover, received more instruction from the assistants, had lunch, more instruction from president, decided the topic of the next zone conference and received instruction from president. It was packed with comments, instructions, concepts, policy updates and changes, and testimonies. We left very tired and very spirit-driven. The next day was district meeting, which we did not have lots of energy like we normally do, but we still got our message across and did it in a fun way. We introduced the district to redneck tacos.
Have I explained what a redneck taco is? I’m pretty sure I have, but just in case: a redneck taco is made from the crushed contents of a small Doritos bag, some cheese, and ground beef.
They thought the concept was crazy, but not as crazy as putting a potato in a blender. (I think I have talked about that experience…(see what I mean?))
So many things are happening that I’m having a hard time keeping everything straight. So for next week I will be talking about zone conference and how awesome it was. Coming soon, I will talk about the new mission president and his wife.
OH! I have two stories!
1. One of the office staff called us out of the blue and asked if we could go and contact a refferal she had just received from a Facebook missionary. So we did, the trouble is that this refferal lives in Albion, where many of the GPS roads are no good (but we didn’t know that till later). So we are on our way and we come to a intersection that has a dead end sign on it, we go down the road anyway and find ourselves at the end of the road not to far down and the GPS is telling us to continue. There is no road and we don’t feel like off-roading today, so we turn around and go another way, which lead us down a road that wasn’t used a lot and it plopped us into a log yard of sorts.

And my companion in his typical bright side attitude made this:

But after fumbling around for a little bit, we made it to the refferal, turns out it’s a member that is less active. So we are teaching her now.
Story 2 is a bit of a side story.
So because of the warm mild winter, the bugs that normally freeze to death, didn’t. So unfortunately means that the ticks are bad this year and I mean BAD. Ticks are normally the size of the this period. But I unbuttoned my shirt to find:

A tick, and a large one at that. How or when it decided to attach itself to my shirt I have no idea. But it did not get to me, and I’m grateful for that, because they carry Lyme disease which has sent missionaries home. We have bug spray and bug killer that we will spray on our clothes to make sure we don’t have to deal with this. File under New England Stuff.
Anyway, have a good week and a wonderful month, it’s getting hot out there!

Elder R Seely
Sent from my Mission-Issued iPad